Case Study - City of Port Phillip

Case Study - City of Port Phillip

City of Port Phillip, Melbourne

Matter is excited to trial their storm water pit sensors in a pilot within the City of Port Phillip. The focus with be on the suburb of Ellwood where 13 sensors are bring deployed in order to gain a better understanding of water flow, events and how to  manage the area.

Ambition: Matter are trialing their sensors with the City of Port Phillip, to help with tracking events such as pit blockages in leafy residential suburbs.

Priority move:
Trial sensing storm water pit information and reviewing event data on the Capture dashboard to help with future pit management.

Matter Objectives: 
•  Identify and report on blocked pits
•  Reduce the need to manually check pits for blockages
•  Weather event notifications to allow for preemptive cleaning

Preliminary results from the trial found:

84052 data point

84052 data point

Real time data to date.

Real time data to date.

104 reports

104 reports

On overflowing pits.

On overflowing pits.

38% of pits

38% of pits

Reported blockages.

Reported blockages.